Then following that Kanon had RSV, followed by Ava, then of course Adyson is now sick and tested positive for the flu on Monday and has to miss school all week. Today is her first day feeling pretty good. Last night was a very bad one, her fever got up to 103 and had her mommy scared to death. I hate fevers so bad, they make me nervous, usually once she hits that point I have her in a luke warm tub and dumping water over her head. Thanks for everyone who has been constantly checking on her, it has meant so much. I have the greatest friends and facebook friends!! My Mom has been so awesome, I don't know what I would do without her, she is amazing!!!
So where is spring? Hopefully arriving soon, I am so ready to get the kids outside and introduce the grass to Kanon. I can't wait to load them up and take them to the park, and to watch Kanon get in a pool for the first time!! So much fun things to come!! Kanon will be turning 1 on march 14th, blows my mind how fast this year went by, and I knew it would. He amazes me more and more everyday and I am still so infatuated with him!! I think he is pretty crazy about me too, he usually wants me practically every moment of his waken life, which is fine with me!! Nothing better than to hear the words Mama come out of those lips. Here are some new pics of my Kanman modeling his Easter attire and some other spring outfits. Enjoy

Ok gonna have to end this because my little man is waking up.. If anyone is still here reading-which im sure brandy has already passed out by this point at the fact that I actually did write a blog. You are my motivation girly!!!! Anyway if anyone reads this please comment. however only 3 of you have the address so you all better comment!!!!