Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Writer's Block

Wowzers...its been quite a while! SO much has happened since my last blog. My 7 year old is now 8, and our summer break has come to a closer. So I am now a Mom to a big 2nd Grader. I can't believe it. Where does the time go? Here are some pics of Ady's first day. She did great, she is an old pro and it really showed.

Adyson sitting at her desk waiting to learn :)
Adyson & her teacher , who she absolutely loves!

Kaylee , Ady & Brandon, what a great group of kiddos in that class! I am so pleased with all the parents in there. We are gonna have some great parties! I am so proud of my big girl, she is maturing and surprises me daily with how sweet and sincere she can be. She loves her baby brother more and more everyday. She also still has Brandon as a boyfriend, going on a year now, can you believe it? They actually talk too! Its not like the boyfriend /girlfriend I remember in school where we never talked to each other. They talk alot, hang out on recess, and since I am friends with his Mommy we get to do alot of out of school activities together. Works out nice, Kim and I have decided if they break up it will be harder on us, I'm sure there will be tears coming from our eyes :( But for now we will enjoy this young love :)
Check back tomorrow, I have tons of stories to catch up on and will be updating daily. Cross my heart, pinkie swear... So come back here tomorrow for more fun!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lil' Explorer

Kanon is becomming such a little toddler here lately. He is into absolutely everything and wants to do any and everything his big sisters are doing. He loves flashlights so I let him take one with him to lay down with him for his nap. I went in to check on him a bit later and this is how I found my little guy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pure Bliss

Gotta watch these 3, they will run ya over in a heartbeat! Oh how I love to watch them ride, however Kanon's ride obviously requires a little pushing on the other end. Most of the time his big sis Ady will push him around the house a few times until she tires out. Ava loves her ride-which is really meant for Ady. It is a Polaris and goes 7 mph, its quite a site to see her manuver this thing around. She has came so close to smacking into my tahoe, it would def. put a good dent in the car and her head. Ady is having a hard time fitting on the little 4 wheeler these days, but still thinks its tons of fun to go splashing through the mud on. These little rides have entertained us all summer long and hopefully will last many more!

What can be more fun than a waterhose and a trampoline? Oh and wrestling your cousin... Makes for a great time. I have some awesome pics of these guys having a blast. The best part was when Adyson had Luke down and had a worm in her hand, I saw luke shielding his mouth from the slimey guy. Luke managed to knock Ady off him and squirt her down...they have such a blast together!

Best part of a hot day is spraying yourself off with a cold water hose :)

We have definately got our moneys worth with our trampoline. We have had ours since Adyson was about 2. We lost our cage around it during the ice storm but it seems to have become more popular without it. I am just waiting for the day that we have to take one of them to the ER for a cast.

A few days ago Kanon had his first jump lesson and was successful!!! As you can tell by the grin on his face he is a new fan of the trampoline!!! If only his sisters would let him have some alone time to practice up on his flips :)

Hope you guys are enjoying the cooler weather, we sure are! It was nice to pull out a chair and my favorite magazines and catch up on all the celeb gossip while my kids played outside all day and night. I love days like that, gave me a bit of fall itis. I am starting to crave those fall days!!! I am sad that my blog has been a week apart, I will try hard to not let that happen again. Hope everyone has a Happy TUESDAY tomorrow!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Weekends Fly!

Its amazing how fast the weekends go by during the summer. This weekend Luke & Lawson stayed with us and we had a great time! I love getting all the kiddos together and watch them play. They always seem to have such a great time together. I wanted to post some more favorite beach shots, I am slowly getting them edited but here ya go, some more favs from our trip to Orange Beach!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Beach Babe Ady

Adyson had such a blast at Orange Beach this year. Was the first time her eyes saw the Ocean and a beach. She was very brave at getting out there with the waves, even though her paranoid mother and grandma kept calling her back in haha. Adyson is becomming such a good swimmer and I am so proud of her. I can't believe my baby will be going into the 2nd grade this year, seems like yesterday we were playing outside in her baby pool and she would talk up a storm, such a smart girl from day 1. She makes me so proud and I know she will continue to do so through the years. She is beautiful on the inside and out. I love you Ady Grace!!!!

She always loves to be in front of the camera, always wanting to "strike a pose"

Didn't have time to warn her about this wave so instead I took a pic of it, and what a cool picture it turned out to be. No harm done except a great memory from our summer on the sand. Tomorrow morning Cory is bringing Luke and Lawson over for me to keep all day and the boys will be spending the night with us. The girls are super excited for a sleepover with their cousins. They have had such a fun summer together already, can't wait for even more memories together. I will make sure to take some pics and post them of our Bunkin party. Going to bed so I can get rested up for the gang!!! Night Night

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Apple of My Eye

That he is, he makes me happy when skies are grey.

More beach pics to come soon, I took close to 2,000 so I am editing every chance I have, which is not too often since we are all still trying to get rested up from our vacation. Hope everyone has a Fun and Safe 4th of July weekend!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Night Owl

Ava has always been a late nighter, but since the summer has begun it was only gotten worse.
She has slept with me ALWAYS, since she was a baby, and I dont want that to change ever, maybe when she gets married one day but not any sooner than that! I love her snuggled up next to me, she is the best bed partner ever!!! We lay in bed at night and she will be like "mommy I love your eyes, they are so pretty" or she will say "I love your hair" And my poor hair will be all over the place. She is always complimenting me , even when I look like PURE CRAPOLA. She is my sweetheart and my mommas girl.

It is now 24 minutes past Midnight and where is Ava? In bed one might thinik? No she is sitting on my bed watching WOW WOW WUZBY. I have tried turning tv off , no luck she will lay in the dark until I come get in bed which is about 1. I have tried music, which doesnt work. The child does not take a nap during the day either so you figure by this time she would be dragging. It just blows my mind. Any suggestions on how to get her to fall asleep before 1 or 2 in the morning? I mean yes its nice to have her sleep in til 11:00 but I like for night time to be my peaceful quiet time. Please refrain from saying "put her in her own bed" because I don't want that , I love her in my bed and she will be here as long as she likes. Anyway, I am about to get ready to crawl in bed next to the owl and cuddle with her and get my nighy night smootch. How precious can a 3 year old be?

Goodnight All

Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Before Ady's Dr. Appointment today, I did not leave a bit early so Ady and I could feast on the new Marble Slab Ice Cream.

We Also DID NOT have chocolate sprinkles added to our vanilla, why would I do that when I am trying to lose weight ?

I also did not leave Ady in the car real quick -doors locked might I had, for a few minutes while I ran into Walgreens, what kind of crazy mother would do that? Not me, no way!

I have not been counting down the hours, minutes, seconds for Jon and Kate Plus 8, why would I be that engrossed in someone else's life? No way thats not me!

I did not scream and shout for joy when I found out the games were cancelled tonight, why would I not want to be out in the 100 degree heat?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swimming is great for...

Takin it Easy!


Looking Beautiful


And the best part of all...Soaking your Papa!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sam A. Baker

Sam A. Baker is such an amazing place, minus the camping in a tent part, thats just really not too easy when you have a 15 month old coming along for the trip. If Ady and Ava were the only kids there it would have worked out great. We did stay til late and roasted marshmellos on the campfire and did all that campy stuff. The best part of the whole trip was defin. the kids playing in the river. I had so much fun taking their pics. Kanon was amazed how he could sit in the rocks and play with the water, he could have sat there all day, and I could have sat there all day watching him. It was a wonderful day with my kiddos. One of those days that makes me realize how blessed I am. I am so in love with my kids and each one of their personalities, they are so much fun and I can't wait to experience all the fun things in life that are to come! Enjoy our pictures, there are several more I will add in another post, didn't wanna overwhelm ya b/c I was really snaphappy that day.

Been slacking on my blogging this week, boy has it been hot. Seems like it either is storming and having severe weather or its 95 degrees, something in between would be so great! My brother and his family are at Panama City Beach this week, we are having a sad week without Luke. He keeps me constantly laughing and is so much fun to hang out with. We can't wait til their return and to see his Florida tan :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mr. Blue Eyes

I have so many pics to post from our trip to Sam A Baker, but I am so exhausted so wanted to leave you with one tonight. Its of my Mr. Blue Eyes Kanon. He sure did love the water, which was shocking to me, I figured he would be like his sisters at that age but I am so happy he proved me wrong. Here he is, the love of my life!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Its off to the woods we go......

Headed off to Sam A Baker, wish me luck. not sure how a sleeping bag and 3 kids are gonna work out, but its worth a shot!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3 Amigos

After all the:




hair pulling




toy stealing

boyfriend stealing haha

name calling

slamming doors

no brothers allowed

no sisters allowed

slobbery kisses
superman capes
sword fights


sleeping bags and flashlights

Baseball Games


talking on the phone
boys boys boys
girls girls girls

and many other things that will come throughout the years with you 3. I hope and pray that you 3 Amigos will be the very best of friends forever.


"If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever..."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer Nights

Its been a few days since I have blogged, we have been busy playing outside. We spend the majority of our summer days/evenings outside doing lots of activites. One night my friend Tara came over and brought her 2 kidds Reese and Jagger. She looked through tons of my yardsale stuff and all the kids played. Ady, Ava, Reese and Jagger were later joined by Peyton, Parker and Carson. They played with sidewalk chalk, bubbles, riding trikes, bikes, and Ady's new ranger which was a huge hit! Ady thought she was big stuff buckeling in all her passengers and taking them for 3 spins around the house! Later on Reese and Jagger came in with the girls for a while and played and played and played some more. Jagger and Ady play so well together, she can't wait until they come back for another play night!

This weekend we had a sleepover. My mom came to my house after work and joined all my kids plus Luke & Lawson. They had so much fun that day!!! They swam, played on the swingset, jumped on the trampoline, ate Mickey D's and even got a snowcone! I think we are keeping the snowcone stand in business this summer, but its so hard to resist...its just that good!!! To top our evening off I took Luke, Ady and Ava to see the movie "UP", which might I add , was FABULOUS! A great movie for kids and adults. It had me laughing one minute and fighting tears back the next.

Summer has been a blast so far and like I have said before...it has just started! We are loving our days with Luke so much, that has been such a blessing! Him and Ady are having so much fun together and I am trying to keep their summer filled with activities, if you have any fun ideas please feel free to leave them on my comments. Kanon was asleep during the whole event-poor guy. He has been having a hard time with teething, the whole weekend him and Ava have been so snotty and coughing their little heads off. There is nothing worse than having a cold in the summer, its just not right! I will leave you guys with some pics of our Summer Night

Reese giving Ady some love

Tara getting her some bargains haha

Ady and her buddy Jagger

How cute is she?

Ady taking Jagger for a ride

Jagger riding the trike

Ava and Reese