Ava has always been a late nighter, but since the summer has begun it was only gotten worse.
She has slept with me ALWAYS, since she was a baby, and I dont want that to change ever, maybe when she gets married one day but not any sooner than that! I love her snuggled up next to me, she is the best bed partner ever!!! We lay in bed at night and she will be like "mommy I love your eyes, they are so pretty" or she will say "I love your hair" And my poor hair will be all over the place. She is always complimenting me , even when I look like PURE CRAPOLA. She is my sweetheart and my mommas girl.
It is now 24 minutes past Midnight and where is Ava? In bed one might thinik? No she is sitting on my bed watching WOW WOW WUZBY. I have tried turning tv off , no luck she will lay in the dark until I come get in bed which is about 1. I have tried music, which doesnt work. The child does not take a nap during the day either so you figure by this time she would be dragging. It just blows my mind. Any suggestions on how to get her to fall asleep before 1 or 2 in the morning? I mean yes its nice to have her sleep in til 11:00 but I like for night time to be my peaceful quiet time. Please refrain from saying "put her in her own bed" because I don't want that , I love her in my bed and she will be here as long as she likes. Anyway, I am about to get ready to crawl in bed next to the owl and cuddle with her and get my nighy night smootch. How precious can a 3 year old be?
Goodnight All