I went back on my old bebo account tonight, anyone remember those? It was so much fun looking through all my old photos, this one is Adyson when she was approx 3 years old, my mom and dad moved and we found my old girl scout Brownie uniform. Adyson wanted to play dress up and put it on, and she made sure to slap the Loser sign on her forehead. I have a video of her somewhere saying "I'm a brownie Loser" hahahah

Pretty Hilarious huh? haha Anyone out there into the bachelor this time around? I am, I am getting into it so much. He is such a cute guy and has such a cute little boy, can't wait to see who he picks!! I am such a reality junkie and Monday night is definitely the best night for that. On my DVR I have recorded The Bachelor, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Daddy's Girls, The City and Bromance. I would suggest for everyone to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 I have been a huge fan ever since it has begun. Bromance is pretty cheesy and I'm not really sure about all the guys sitting around a campfire talking about their feelings and crying, kinda weirds me out a bit however Brody is a hottie so I can't resist!!!! Daddy's girls is so so, I love Run's House so I thought I would give it a chance, its holding my attention pretty good but they need to get a lil more exciting. Last but not least is the City which I love. I wish Lauren and Brody would move to NYC b/c it is so much more exciting there. Ok....enough reality junkie talk
Me and the chicks are sitting here watching tv waiting for this so called ICE STORM 09. I hope we get iced in, but would also love some fluffy snow so we can build a snowman. I would love to be able to get some great pics of all the kids playing in the snow. Kanon wants to build his first snowman. I made a mistake by going to Walmart today. I haven't got groceries in about 2 weeks and was in desperate need. Was a huge mistake , when KFVS12 says ice and snow will be coming the whole town/county freaks and everyone runs to walmart. It was worse than being there at Christmas time, it was like bumper cars with the carts, so frustrating, I definitely have cart rage in walmart.
Ok before I end I have a story about Ava, a bad one :( This afternoon when Ady got home from school , she was helping me clean the house, Kanon was doing his usual crawling around everywhere and Ava running everywhere. I ran downstairs to hang up some of Adyson's clothes and could hear the little guy crying his eyes out. I couldn't find him and could tell he was in the bathroom, well Ava had got him to go in there with her and then ran out, shut the lights out and shut the door. My poor little guy was stuck in the bathroom with all the lights off screaming bloody murder. I felt so bad for him, I got him out and he had tears just streaming down his chubby cheeks. Ava got in trouble big time and disappointed me bad :( I hope that soon these days of her being mean to her brother ends, but I have a feeling I will be having similar stories in their teen years haha.
Thanks to anyone who has stuck with this post and made it this far, I will post a few more pics to end, some oldies but goodies.