Monday, January 19, 2009

Blogging is the new.....ME!!!

ok ok, so I have tried this once or twice and I FAILED , I failed hard. I ended up with approx 3 posts, even cute little pictures attached and then a year later, no posts..sad huh? Well this time I am making this part of my new years resolution to keep this sucker updated. At least every few days, I would really like to get into the habbit of doing it daily but I am not making that a promise at this moment. Keep in mind I do have a baby who is now crawling around putting everything into his mouth, including: quarters, pixos, 5 day old macaronis, and doll heads from his sisters polly pockets.

Let me take a moment to introduce myself to the cyberworld. I am a 28 year old mother of 3 kiddos. Adyson my firstborn is 7 years old, she is a straight A student, sweet as sugar, very mature, knows way too much, however can be very sneaky at times and can also be very hateful to her 3 year old sister Ava.
on to Ava, It took me two years to get pregnant with Ava so from the beginning we had a bond that was like no other. I was so happy to have finally got her here in this world I said over and over I would spoil her rotten, well guess what ladies and gentlemen? I succeeded!!! She is as rotten as they get and now I am paying hard for it!!! She is a blast to be around, and is constantly cracking me up but she is very moody!!! She loves her older sister Ady so much, she worships her, but the feels are definately not mutual. Ava's thoughts on Kanon are, well..ummm I think she wishes Kanon would have stayed in Mommy's tummy for a few more decades. From day 1 she was not happy to see him and still is not. At times I think we are having a breakthrough between them but then something happens and tears that all apart.
Last but not least my sweet baby boy Kanon. My baby boy that I always wanted, I finally got him this past March. He is currently 10 months old and I am fascinated with his every move, his every smile, every pout. I am so in love with this little man. Tonight I had some alone time with him , which is very uncommon and I just sat in the floor and watched him play for a good hour and a half. I caught myself just staring at his every little move. He is such a sweet guy and has stollen my heart from day one. Hopefully he does not break it when he gets in the teenage years!!
We live in a quiet little subdivison in a town population approx 16,000. We have a Walmart, a few great restaurants and Adyson's school is half a mile from our house, so life is good! I am going to have to end my first entry, as it is getting close to midnight and my 3 year old thinks she cannot sleep unless I am in bed with her, so if I do not want her acting like a maniac tomorrow I better call it quits. I will get on tomorrow and post some pictures of my kiddos for the cyberworld and my friends and family to see. Please leave comments, comments make me happy, I love to read comments, and if you guys do not comment I may just QUIT!!! haha SEE YA!


  1. Great blog sister! I love the descriptions of the kiddos. You know I love to read blogs! :) Keep it up I can't wait to read it!

  2. i love the blog! i hope you keep it up. i love reading your stuff, so well written!!! ;)

  3. i love the blog. hope you keep it up. you are so much better at writing than i am, if you just stick with it. kudos!
