My sweet Kanon boy. A year ago you came into my life. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was constantly having contractions, we had a scheduled csection, I had to be at the hospital that day around noon on the 14th. However I couldve swore you were gonna make your way out a different way before then. The contractions were causing me so much pain, however later on we found out I was dilated to NOTHING. I guess its just meant for you guys to come out the csection way.
Those first moments of looking into your eyes were amazing, my boy was out, finally! I have waited and waited and waited for you to finally be in my life. I have wanted a little boy as long as I can remember. I had visions of you digging in the backyard, carrying your little trucks around, playing ball with dirt all over your face, climbing trees and terrorizing your sisters by chasing them with bugs and frogs.
I thank God everyday that he chose me as your Mommy. I promise Kanon I will do everything in my power to make sure your life is full of love, adventure, and fun! I will teach you all the things you need to know to prepare yourself for life and will also teach the stuff that you will want to know, like how to figure women out, and how to shop for a woman, I gotcha covered there bub!!!
Everything about your life from birth until now has been like a fairytale. You have been the perfect baby. You were sleeping all night from an early age, fed good, napped good...just have to lay you down and you go right to sleep. At time time I play Barney's Sleepytime songs and you conk out during the first few songs. Speaking of conking out, while you are sleeping I am often found with my chin pressed on your baby bed watching you sleep, I could do this for hours. I have also been guilty of getting you out of bed and laying on the couh with you and watch tv while you sleep in my arms. I just cant control myself..maybe its the fact that you may be my last child or maybe its because you are the boy that I have always wanted..but whatever it is, you and I have a bond that is like no other.
You are started to become so much fun! I love watching you crawl and when I get behind you and say "im gonna getcha" You take off as fast as those little chubber legs will take you and look back and start cracking up laughing. I also love how when I feed you your bottle you will look up at me and make eye contact the whole time while I sing to you, talk to you, and tell you my secrets that no one else knows! You wont tell will ya? It wont be long from now and you will begin your journey of walking, I am excited about this becasue that means you wont be sticking all the crumbs in your mouth off of my floor, I am no Danny Tanner you know? Its kinda hard picking up after you 3 kids and keep the floors spic and span.
Your new favorite food is a happy meal with nuggest, before I can get it in the door you start saying "MMMMMMM" and you will eat all the nuggets and about 3/4th of the bag of french fries. You are my little hungry man! I love watching you eat, I can tell it brings so much joy in your life, especially those fattening french fries that we all love haha.
You have so many people that love you. I could name lists and lists of people. When I posted on facebook about how you were sick, my cell started rining and messages started coming through. All the ones who love you so much were worried about you and wanted to send you well wishes and said they were praying for you and boy did it work, because what we figured you had was the flu but now we think it was a 24 hour bug that decided to ruin your birthday party. But that is fine with me, as long as you are well now we are happy!!!!!
I often wonder about what kind of little boy, Teen and Guy you will turn into. I think you will be a shy sweet little boy that is all boy! I think you will be a mommas boy, because I have prayed that prayer several times while you were in utero. You will be spoiled rotten by my, and your sister Adyson who loves you dearly. She is just as much in love with you as I am. She would do anything for you bubby. I hope you guys are the best of friends later on in life.
Well my baby boy I must close for now. You are standing in your crib watching me type wanting me to come and pick you up and say Nite Nite my little prince and give you a kiss and lay you down. OH how I wish these moments could last forever......

this is the most precious post. i love it so much. kanon, you are such a lucky little boy--your mommy loves you so much. i hope we get to have a lot of fun with you guys this summer. i'm so excited. i need a picture like ava's...that is so adorable. you guys are the greatest friends...nope, family...we love you. so, do you think kanon's really the last baby...i can't imagine you being any happier than you are right now