Sarah's top 10 things that I spend my money on
10. Ebay... ebay is something I enjoy doing on the computer when there is nothing new on facebook, when no one has updated their blogs, when my gymbo forum is dead, and when there are no new clothing lines out on all my favorite sites. I love to look for old toys that I had when I was a kid, and old movies ex: my little ponies. Ava has become obsessed with the ponies and I have helped her out quite a bit!!! My favorite ebay item ever purchased was Kenny Chesney tickets at Little Rock...6th row might I add.
9. Medicine...The last few months it has been a hospital here at our house. Together my kids have had pnumonia-im sure I butchered that word, RSV, RSV, no that wasnt a type 2 rsv's, Flu, 2 stomach bugs, pink eye, pink eye, and a partridge in a pear tree. We have spent a huge amount on medcines this winter...it would get so bad that while riding in the car Ava would say "I dont wanna go to Walgreens" Well I didnt either, those lines make me angry and apparently her too. Kanon won't go for it, he just cries the whole time while Ady finds dirty suckers, dirty pacifiers with hair on them, and shoves them in his mouth hahah. We are happy to welcome spring into our lives!!!!
8. Electronics.... I love catching up with all the modern technology we have these days and have recently discovered BluRay. We got a bluray player about 6 months ago and I have been purchasing the discs left and right and have developed quite a collection. For those of you guys who are still using regular DVDS I swear, I was in denial about the whole thing at first..thinking that it wouldn't make that big of a difference...but it has changed the way I feel about sitting down and watch a movie. I used to not be a big SIT DOWN, POP POPCORN, and watch the whole movie kinda watcher. However now that we discovered this, every Friday night is our movie night and I usually purchase a new movie for us to watch, any suggestions for this week? Cartoons look unbelievable, its amazing. We watched TWISTER a few weeks ago and that was really cool, however words of wisdom : do not watch a movie about tornado's in tornado season, not too smart to do with a 7 year old.
7. Reality Tv stuff.... This falls into its own category aside from electronics because there are so many items related. My favorite reality tv shows are: Jon and Kate plus 8, 18 Kids and Counting-GO DUGGERS!, Run's House, Tori and Dean, The Hills. I recently purchased the old duggers dvds from amazon.com , some of their first footage of them when they lived in their first house, can't wait to find some alone time to snuggle up by myself and watch it from start to finish with no distractions...yeah sure.... Also have the book of the Duggers and its great, so is Tori Spellings book that is also one worth buying.....aaaaah I could go on and on but I wont.
7. Reality Tv stuff.... This falls into its own category aside from electronics because there are so many items related. My favorite reality tv shows are: Jon and Kate plus 8, 18 Kids and Counting-GO DUGGERS!, Run's House, Tori and Dean, The Hills. I recently purchased the old duggers dvds from amazon.com , some of their first footage of them when they lived in their first house, can't wait to find some alone time to snuggle up by myself and watch it from start to finish with no distractions...yeah sure.... Also have the book of the Duggers and its great, so is Tori Spellings book that is also one worth buying.....aaaaah I could go on and on but I wont.
6. Target.... Enough said...anytime I go to this store I find so many unique items. They must restock every few days because you never go in there and run into the same stuff. I wish we had one closer, its like an amusement park for me..I love getting me and the kids a bag of popcorn and drink and cruising around checking out all the latest items they have to offer... and one by one the kids come out of the cart as we fill it full of goodies! We Love you target!!
5. Groceries... Yadda Yadda so everyone has this on their list... I hate having to go and get groceries..such a silly process if you think about it..you load the food into the cart, then take it out of the cart only for the checkers to put it back in bags and back in your cart... you take it to your car and take it out of your cart to put it in your car..you drive home and then take it out of your cart and then take it out of your bags to put it up where it belongs..the whole process makes me wanna go takea nap..... This should be a guy job!
4. Mcdonalds... When all else fails "if you be good I will get you a happy meal" Thats a pretty common phrase around this house.. ok so I am no Jon and Kate and have not hopped on the organic band wagon just yet. Fast food is too easy.. Even Kanon Boy has learned to eat his own happy meal. We used to could share with him, but nuh uh not anymore, he has his own and he downs it like there is no tomorrow. He is even quite proud of his happy meal toy. Where did my baby go?
3. Clothes... for my kids of course, do I actually get clothes for myself? Heck no, I spend all my clothes money on my kids. I want them looking hip and stylish at all times, who cares about me? hahaha Ady loves Justice now, she has pretty much outgrown gymboree-which we will talk about in just a bit... Justice is very cute however if you ever buy jeans from there it will surely wipe out your pocketbook. I had picked up a pair of jeans for her and realized that the tag said 68.00 on them.. WOW, instead of getting those we went to Childrens Place and bought the cheaper ones that look just like the expensive ones. We are also big Gap fans, more so for the Junk Food T's and the tanks. Kanon gets the biggest part of his wardrobe from Gap ...from head to toe he usually is styling Gap..
2. Toys.... I am more of a child than my kids are. When we go to walmart, where is the first place mama steers the cart? To the toy isle....why is that? I have no idea, the kid in me goes there first...I am such a child and not ashamed to admit it. I love looking at the toys with my kids, ripping them out of the box when we get home and playing with them hahah. My kids are spoiled rotten and usually get a toy a visit, which sometimes can really add up. I'm a sucker I can't help it! That's why our house looks like Toy's R Us, o well you only live once and we are having so much fun living!
1. GYMBOREE... My obsession...My Love.... My Passion.... ok I went to far... GYMBOREE is a hobby of mine. I love the message boards, the clothes, everything about that place. I love waiting up til midnight on Sunday nights to see what the next line is going to be. I love collecting Gymbucks, and coupons so I can make myself feel a little bit better for going overboard. Kanon and Ava wear Gymbo... Here lately the lines have been kinda lame but word has it that that's about to change and there will be monkeys in the near future, That will have to be for another post..monkeys..I love monkeys.. Anyway Hope you enjoyed my top 10.. I have wasted enough time to now go to bed and dream of Target and Gymbo.
I love this picture, I took it through the door, didnt want little man seeing me or he would have dropped to the ground and came after me. I love seeing them play together, its such a rare event. Have a great Thursday !!
Okay so I probably could have had my name signed at the bottom of this blog! lol, almost Identical! However, #1 for me--- Janie & Jack! I'm not a gymbo fan at all! I don't care for any of their stuff, J&J however, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteTarget--- yeah just today I drove over there with Chloe--- we spent 2 hours browsing and dropping random things into my cart. I get to the register, the nice lady rings up my $168 of things I had absolutely no use for, and ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I forgot my wallet at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( had to go home, and didn't have time to go back and pick it up! Someone else got to benefit from my incredible goodies I found!
OMG! Someone commented other than me and BEFORE me...how important are you today?? I loved the post. So true!! It's like my exact top 10 with like craploads less money to spend LOL!!! i'm so glad you posted. you give me ideas to blog about...you should be my blog brainstormer haha!! love it!