Today we broke out the dye and got busy. The girls had an absolute blast. Of course their mama went nuts in Walmart and bought every dye kit there so they had sand, paint, glitter, foil, and regular stuff. I have to say everything went smooth and no one got hurt, except a few eggs. I will post about Ady's date tomorrow, it went great by the way!!! But had to make sure I show you these EGGSCellent pictures on this Easter Eve. Happy Easter to all and to all a goodnight!!!
To see the rest of our EGG DYING adventures, I put the other thousand pics up on my facebook. Add me if you haven't already, I practically live there.
your post was very EGGciting tonight! i love the always. i'm so happy that you love me enough to send me pics of the kids all the time. we truly are family girl!! love you lots--happy easter!