Finally the sun came out! It has been such a dreary spring so far. I hope we at least get a few good weeks of spring before summer hits. I love spring weather!!! Summer is almost too hot but spring is perfect so I would love to be able to enjoy the mild temps before we get into the scalding hot ones! I took the kids outside when Adyson got home from school, we drug out all the riding toys. Kanon refused to get on his MANLY JOHN DEERE ATV, but instead wanted to push Avas purple bicycle with tassels and a horn. So macho Kanman!!! I tried several times picking him up and putting him on his ride and pushing him up the hill and down the hill but after I stepped away, he got down and crawled over to the bike and began his pushing game again......O'well my boy likes purple and pink....whats wrong with that?
How happy is this little man, with his sisters purple bike, it even has a place to put your baby dolls :)
"your so funny mama"
Watching his sisters act crazy
Ady got on the sit and spin, a fight is in the making!
Uh oh Kanon sees the fight, he thinks girls are so full of DRAMA!

Ava trying to push Ady right off of there!

Ady pushing Ava's buttons, poor little Ava...if we would just give her everything she wanted she would be the perfect child. hahah
Tomorrow we are FINALLY gonna get to have ball practice *knock on wood* We have scheduled it 3 times before and each time it has been rained out. I think I have told you guys I am coaching both Ady and Ava's team this year, and they both have practice tomorrow, so should be a busy busy afternoon for us. I will try to get some good pictures of them. Ta Ta for now!
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