I came across these pics of Ava and Kanon and had to mess around with them and do some cool stuff with them. These two are quite the pair. Since day one Ava was so unsure about this new little guy that came into our lives. She would never hardly touch my belly, no talking to Baby Kanon, no kissing him, he was just in my belly and thats as far as she would get. At the hospital every picture we have of Ava her face is pale, she was so scared the whole time and was not quite herself. When the baby came to the room to meet the family for the first time , she had NOTHING to do with him so we thought it would be better once we get home. We did get her to feed him, which is absolutely precious. I love the look on her face how she would rather be doing anything else other than feeding this little lump of nothing.
Now days things are getting a tad bit better. Believe me they still have their fights, and Kanon has learned to scream at her right back. One minute she will want him to come in her room and play with her then 2 min later she will be telling him to get out. Poor little guy, he is gonna learn how women are right off hahah. As bad as he may get on her nerves, there is alot of love in Ava for her little brother. I have witnessed it several times before. If anyone else tries to mess with him she will let you have it, or if we are leaving to go somewhere she wants to make sure he is going with us. It is rather cute and I can't wait to see their relationship grow through the years. I think they will be great friends here in a couple of years...if not they will make great punching bags for each other!
Here is one of my fav pics of them in their "GRILLZ"

CUTE POST! They will be great friends one day.