Kanman's new look
This past week the kids, me and my mom headed to St.Louis. I had shopping on the brain * imagine that* but the kids had the zoo and swimming on theirs. We shopped on thursday, my mom was so great to stay in the hotel for a while with Kanon and Ava and let me and Ady tear up the mall!!! We had a blast, was nice to have some alone time with Ady, I don't get much of that here lately. She took advantage of her mommy in justice, piling the clothes up in my arms , but she deserves it with all those good grades of hers :) That night we ate and I decided to run Kanon to the nearest MASTER CUTS and get that mop of his cut off *sniff sniff* He did awesome for his haircut, this was probably his 5th or 6th one now. His hair grows amazingly fast, and each time I do get it cut short it makes him look so different. It puts about 2 years onto him, he looks so much like a little boy right now. We went swimming that night in the hotel and then the zoo the next day... Mom and I were exhausted, we are so outta shape and pushing 2 strollers up and down hills were rough on us haha. We had a great time with the kids and they acted very good!! Here are some pics of Kanon's new do. I can't decide if I like it better long or short. PS Stellan was released from the hospital and is on his way home as we speak, GOD does answer prayers!!!!

as much as i love love love long locks...this haircut really seems to suit him. i love it! and it doesn't matter what you did to his hair, he would be gorgeous anyway! ---love ya kanonball---aunt brandy