Today was such a fun day, my awesome friend Brandy and her little boy Sebastian came over for a play day. We really didnt do a whole lot of nothing but sit around and talk, and the kids played. We also took them outside to blow bubbles, and that turned into a mess all in itself but was a blast!!! I love spending time with them, I wish so bad they would move closer to us!!!
Here are some pics from our exciting day-exciting becasue we rarely get out of pjs
Here are some pics from our exciting day-exciting becasue we rarely get out of pjs

Onto Cubbies news..we were supposed to have a game tuesday night-got rained out, our next one is friday night, Im already predicting a rainout. Next week we have games everynight but wed , please pray for us. See ya tomorrow!!
We had so much fun today! I love doing exactly what we did...hang out, relax! No worries! The kids had fun, too!! I love your kiddos so much - they are great. I can't wait to do it again soon. Looking forward to our beach trip. I'm excited about watching a Cubbies game next week, although I can tell ya that it definitely won't be all of the them hahaha! Be scouring your house for the camera so I can get some "good" pics {and I use the term "good" very loosely here}!! love you guys!! nite nite