Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Things I LOVE about Adyson

*I love how your heart is as big as the moon.
*I love the way you kiss me everyday before you go to school, and Kanon too.
*I love how you listen and obey, even when things do not go your way, your ok with that.
*I love how kind you are to your grandparents, you give them so much happiness.
*I love the way you talk to Kanon, and how you are always there to watch after him.
*I love how you love church and love God, and your knowledge about his word.
*I love the way we can have conversations now, you are so fun to be around!
*I love the way you can make lil cracks and make me laugh so hard about it!
*I love the way you share my love of shopping and get just as excited as I do to go into shops.
*I love OUR love of video games, we do have so much fun together!
*I love your BRAIN! You are too smart sometimes for your own good!
*I love how you want to be a Dr. and a Cake Baker.
*I love how when the UPS man comes your face lights up, knowing its clothes for you!
*I love how much you have matured and grown into such a GREAT girl!

There are so many more things I could add, but there are not enough hours in the day. The most favorite thing about you Adyson is that you made me a Mommy and that is something we share and no one else. You are so special to me and as I have said before you have an amazing heart and I know that is going to take you very far in life. I will always be right there with you through all your journeys. I can't wait to see the person you turn out to be * just stay little for a long time yet* I am enjoying each and every moment with you. You have made me the most proud, you have already accomplished so much in your little life, and I can't even imagine what is to come. Love you baby girl!

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