Onto happier and smellier things. About a month ago it was mentioned on someone's blog about Goat Milk Soap. I thought I would give it a try, I am a sucker for things that smell good. When I got to the website there were all these comments from customers, and that's what sold me! People had wrote how soft it made your skin, how you can shave with it, it feels like you have been using lotion on your skin, and the smell is very yum. I ordered right away. My favorite is Ocean which I will post a picture below. I have also ordered, Milk, Honey and Oatmeal -thats a great one too, and Fiji Island is good, haven't ordered anything that's not good but definitely would recommend OCEAN, I just got done washing my face with that and my face is softer than Kanon's butt, and that is really soft! Adyson, who has always been big on the tube of body soap has made the switch. She loves her goat milk soap and I catch her in there washing her face so many times a day hahaha. Please check out the site http://www.goatmilkstuff.com/ I received the soap very quickly after ordering, it is packaged very neatly and I will never switch back to regular soap again!!!! Hope you try it out!
Last but certinately not least is a pic of Ady & Luke playing in the water on Sunday. What a pair they are, there is so much love between these cousins. They are the best of friends, it has been a joy watching these 2 grow up together.
Thank you God for giving me Adyson, Ava & Kanon. They are the best blessings I have ever been given and I will cherish every day...hour...and minute that I have with them.
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Ok... so this s my first go round with the Not Me Monday, so here it is, my week "not me" style!
* I did not feed my baby boy chocolate chip mini muffins for breakfast, how totally unhealthy would that be ?
* McDonalds was not consumed at our house 3 times during the weekend, only home cooked meals for my kiddos!
* While shopping in St. Louis I completely looked past all the boy clothes, didn't buy Kanon 12 new outfits, that would be so insane...I mean he already has a whole closet full...what kind of shop-a-holic maniac would that make me?
*I did not call my friend (who I will refer to as K) and rant and rave over all the stresses running through my brain at the moment, we did not speak bad about no one, no how!
*I did not talk to my friend (who I will refer to as BRANDY) online and be evil and talk bad about people, thats just not what we do ..is it BRANDY?
* I did not have any late night snacks with Ava this week that consisted of Strawberries and Sugar hehe
* I did not throw all my junk and dirty clothes into closets, under the bed, and into drawers when my realtor called and said they wanted to show my house. I don't clean that way...I am a clean freak!
* I did not buy Ava a webkinz figurine, a book, candy and a soda tonight a Hastings just b/c she kept telling me how much she loved me...
* I did not jump for joy when I found out the games were cancelled for tonight, if that ever happened it would only be for the fact that we need practice before we play a game!
* I did not end this NOT ME MONDAY because I wanted to return to gossip talk with Brandy...no not me, I don't subject myself to that :)
Boy that was loads of fun :) Maybe next time I won't have to think so hard. Now that Monday is out of the way, it is onto the rest of the week. I have never been a Monday hater like the rest of the world, I guess that's because my job as a stay at home mommy allows Mondays to be like Fridays or Wednesdays ..you get the picture? I actually like weekdays better than weekends at times b/c we are HOME ALONE and get the TV to ourself and if we choose to go shop...the malls are less crowded :) Always thinking like a shopper. We were supposed to have our 6-7 year old game tonight, however the rain has kept us from playing for a week now. I love ball and love watching my kids play ball but we are in serious need of a practice, which we will be having WEDNESDAY -yah cubbies! Ava's team has a game tomorrow night, she is in the 3 year old league so I am not as worried about them. They don't keep score, don't strike out, its pretty much just for fun and laughs. Anywhoooo I must continue on with my MSN'ing tonight and my facebook duties. Catch ya tomorrow!