Thursday, May 28, 2009

That's Just Crap!

Woke up at 7:30 am to the smell of feces. Usually the smell is smothered with a diaper, however this time it was all over little man's crib. Kanon sleeps in a crib- a smaller one- like the ones you get in hotel rooms. I like to have him near me at night but not in bed with me because we are already over crowded anyway. Kanon apparently had woke up, taken his diaper off, pooped, smeared his poop everywhere, stomped on his poop, painted with his poop, decorated his crib with the poop, even had poop on the plastic matress. After gagging for 20 minutes I scooped him up and put him in the bathtub, while bits of poop floated around in the water *gag* He kept trying to grab them and I was so close to puking all over myself. After getting him clean and all the poop bits down the drain, I slapped on another diaper and put his little booty in his other crib and began scrubbing the crap crib. So far my day is crappy, I sure hope this is no idicitation of things to come. I will be taking 5 kids today to the waterpark , and meeting my friend Kim there with her too kids for a day of fun in the sun! Wish me luck and lets hope to a crap-free day!


  1. Sounds like a SHITTAY morning! :) I think I have had a couple of those too! hahahah Hope your day has gotten better from there!

  2. shame shame talking dirty on your blog!! ;) you should just know how much brighter my day was knowing that you spent the morning cleaning up poop. lmao i could just picture you gagging & cleaning - gagging & scrubbing. i think we have all had similar days...don't know if i've ever had one that bad though hahaha. nice vivid descriptions. i hope no one read this while eating breakfast. hahaha i hope tomorrow's post is a little cleaner.
