Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
* Yesterday we spent the day at my parents house, Ava did not hop in the "little gator" with her cousin Lawson to take a spin. They also did not have a head on collision into a block of concrete. If that would have happened all of us grown up's standing around would have noticed right? That would have never happened....esp in our care.
* We are now the owner of a turtle named Tucker, and I would never paint his back in all different girly colors in shapes of squares right? That would be so mean and I would probably get turned in for doing so. However no way in the world would I take a picture to document such a horrid thing and then to post it on facebook? Not me, no way!!!!!!!
* I didn't go out and buy some new ammo for bribing my kids to clean and be nice to each other. However I hear there are these Kid coupons that reward them for doing things ex: cleaning, being nice to their siblings, doing what their parents ask of them. That would be such a major form of bribery, and I would never do such a thing, not in this house !
* Last night Adyson had a tooth hanging by a thread, she did not want me to pull it whatsoever, I would never be the type of parent to tell her that if she let me pull it , I would take her out for lunch this week instead of leaving her at school during noon, and I also wouldn't bribe her with a movie for the weekend. That's just not my style.
* You know those coupons mentioned above, well I would never offer my oldest daughter 2 of those coupons for cleaning my car out after school today, that would be child labor right? Not me, no way!
Hmmm I might need to check into those child labor laws to protect my sweet naive niece haha. I had something else I was going to say but I completely forgot what it was. :( work is killing my brain cells