I have been wanting to blog about this subject for a while, but was waiting to see the season premiere. My thoughts on this? ....well first and foremost it doesn't really matter because its none of my business. However I felt I needed to blog because I have been a fan from day 1. Seriously since the 1st episode, not just recently jumping on the bandwagon, I have been on the ride for a long time. I love the kiddos, they are so adorable and such good little kids. I can't imagine if I had cameras on my kids, you guys would probably be thinking we needed to be on SUPERNANNY. 8 little kids in a house should be pure chaos, but it never really is , always fairly quiet. I really hope they stay together, they have done so much as a team for so long. Every vacation, trip, even little outings they are always together. I think it would hurt the kids so much not having them together. I just hope the media calms down and stays out of their business, its gonna do nothing but hurt those poor little kids. So sad that when they go into a store or supermarket they are gonna be bombarded with magazines of their parents on the front page with big headlines calling them CHEATERS. They need to think about the kids, the ones who are going to suffer from their magazines and pictures. Anyway the premiere was great as usual, was sad to not see them on the same couch the whole interview but I am still happy they were at the party together. I can't believe the sextuplets are another year older, they keep getting cuter and cuter!
Onto happier and smellier things. About a month ago it was mentioned on someone's blog about Goat Milk Soap. I thought I would give it a try, I am a sucker for things that smell good. When I got to the website there were all these comments from customers, and that's what sold me! People had wrote how soft it made your skin, how you can shave with it, it feels like you have been using lotion on your skin, and the smell is very yum. I ordered right away. My favorite is Ocean which I will post a picture below. I have also ordered, Milk, Honey and Oatmeal -thats a great one too, and Fiji Island is good, haven't ordered anything that's not good but definitely would recommend OCEAN, I just got done washing my face with that and my face is softer than Kanon's butt, and that is really soft! Adyson, who has always been big on the tube of body soap has made the switch. She loves her goat milk soap and I catch her in there washing her face so many times a day hahaha. Please check out the site http://www.goatmilkstuff.com/ I received the soap very quickly after ordering, it is packaged very neatly and I will never switch back to regular soap again!!!! Hope you try it out!

Last but certinately not least is a pic of Ady & Luke playing in the water on Sunday. What a pair they are, there is so much love between these cousins. They are the best of friends, it has been a joy watching these 2 grow up together.

I am not a faithful watcher like you are but I have watched it off and on. I thought the episode wss sad....like watching a couple fall apart in front of your eyes. The reporters are doing more harm too.........I could not imagine having to plan a party around reporters finding out where it was at! How sad! I hope that they stay together!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting about the soap! I think I might give it a try!